In our Tamil Matrimony wedding customs all of us would like to make our wedding ceremony a truly grand affair. The function should ideally be resplendent with glory, full of decorative delight, and draw murmurs of appreciation from the guests at the ceremony. However, we should also consider the wedding cost and our ability to spend on planning our marriage ceremonies. An unplanned wedding can bring about unnecessary and exorbitant expenses. However, even if the wedding budget is limited, it is still perfectly possible to have a great wedding party, just as the one we wish for. One needs to be economic in wedding expenses, and opt for cost-effective options, so that he/she need not compromise on the splendor of the occasion. Cheap weddings that are nevertheless attractive are indeed popular among many marriage parties.
There are few kinds of possibilities where we can make wedding cost effective:
– Selecting Wedding Guests
– Wedding dress choice
– Fixing the wedding day
– Invitation procedure
– Homemade decorations
– Venue decorations
Selecting Wedding Guests:
Adding every name to the list of wedding guests to be invited adds to the overall expenses. Hence, unnecessary additions to the guest list , to be avoided. One should not feel bound to invite every people who are somehow related to friends or relatives. A prudent trimming of the wedding guest list is an absolute must.
Wedding dress choice:
In Tamil Matrimonial Wedding, dresses are by nature rather expensive. One should extensively search for attractive wedding dresses that are available at reasonable rates. There is a wide range of information on wedding dresses and accessories online. Hence, searching on the web is likely to be cost-effective.
Fixing the Wedding day:
In order to save money, weddings can be scheduled on days when the demand for wedding venues is relatively low. A Sunday (or any week night) is ideal for this purpose.
Invitation Procedure:
One can avoid the rather unnecessary costs on postage by not inviting guests by sending letters. In fact, telephonic or online invitations are deemed to be much more cost-effective.
Venue decorations:
There are plenty of wedding decorations that can be designed by the marriage party itself. Hence, expenses on hiring professional help can be avoided. If a wedding is scheduled soon after (or, before) a major Christian festival, decoration costs can be cut down. This is because, at these times, churches are already well decorated. For Hindus it’s better to find a venue where the customs followed by them should be inbuilt.
Food Arrangements:
One should be absolutely aware of his/her financial position with the wedding caterer. In case one wants a cheap wedding, the food is the main area where we can make it available at reasonable rates.
Final Thoughts on Planning an Inexpensive Wedding:
As we said do what you want, invite who you want, plan it yourself, track all expenses, and don’t be afraid to make decisions. You can have an awesome wedding, despite its being cheap. Great food, entertainment, photos, all in a comfortable location. We had a number of people tell us it was the best wedding that they’ve been to. We didn’t sacrifice anything. We had the wedding we wanted. And we had ZERO DEBT to show for it. Hopefully, this inspires you to do the same.
Have a Happy Wedding!!!