In Tamil Matrimony customs Mehndi or Henna colouring is a traditional customs and was followed for every Tamil brides during their Marriage. According to an Indian belief, the darker the color of mehndi or henna on your hands and feet, the more your mother-in-law loves you. Although many people consider it as a superstition but the color of henna drives the brides insane and every bride wants the color of henna to be perfect. Ideally, the color of henna should be rich and deep maroon
The following tips will help every bride to get the perfect color of henna on her wedding day.
1. Henna should be applied two days prior to your wedding day.
2. Hair removal must be done at least a day prior to the application of henna. Otherwise henna can waxed off along with hair.
3. Manicure and pedicure should also be done before the application of henna because once henna has been applied, contact with water should be avoided as far as possible.
4. As soon the henna paste starts to dry on your hands and feet, dab it with cotton wool dipped in a mixture of lemon juice and sugar. This will help to hold the henna paste in its place and further help to enhance the darkness of maroon color.
Before and after removing the henna paste.
5. Henna should be left for at least 6 hours without allowing it get wet with water. You may wrap your hands and feet with the help of a cling film. The ideal time to apply henna is at night as you can go off to sleep after application of henna.
6. Avoid bending your wrists and fingers, while the henna paste is wet.
7. Remove the henna paste at least 6 hours after application with the help of a blunt knife or simply by brushing it off. Do not wash your hands yet.
8. Keep your hands and feet warm. Apply Vicks Vaporub or nilgiri drops. Put some cloves on a heated pan and let them smoke. Hold your hands at a little height above the pan. The aroma of cloves and the heat will help to enhance the color of henna.
9. Avoid contact with water as far as possible till your wedding day.
10. Body glitter and bindis may also be applied on your hands and feet to match the color of your outfit.